Trinity Church is a Spirit-filled, non-denominational Church made up of people from many different backgrounds. It is our desire to minister to others through encouragement and love, through inspiring and relevant Bible teaching, and with a unique choice of classic worship at our Sunday 8:30 am Classic Worship Service or contemporary worship at our Saturday 5 pm or Sunday 10 & 11:45 am services. This diverse congregation has seen over 50 years of impact and ministry in the city of Lubbock, and it all started from humble beginnings.
In 1960 Homer Sheats opened the doors of Trinity Church under the name of Highland Assembly of God Church. Highland Assembly first met in a funeral home located on 34th Street and then met at 38th & Quaker. In 1963 it became an independent church known as Trinity Church and moved to our present location. In 1963, Pastor Morris Sheats, Homer Sheats’ son, became the Senior Pastor and served in that role for 14 years. He resigned in 1978.

In the early 1970’s, a three-week revival caused membership to triple and by 1976 three services were held in a 600 seat Sanctuary. This influx of new members prompted the building of our present Sanctuary that was opened in 1977. The original Sanctuary was remodeled and housed our Chapel offices.
Following the resignation of Pastor Morris Sheats in 1978, Burl Pember served as Senior Pastor in 1979. In 1980, Ron Wahlrobe assumed the Senior Pastorate and served until 1984 when he was killed in a tragic plane crash. From Pastor Ron’s death in 1984 until 1985, the leadership of Trinity sought the Lord for His man to lead Trinity Church. During this interim time, Education I building was completed.

September 1985 brought Randal Ross to Trinity Church. It was during Pastor Ross’ tenure that the Sanctuary was remodeled. Remodeling was completed in 1992. During that same year Education Building 2 was constructed to expand the Nursery. In 1994 Education Building 7 was constructed.
Trinity did not stop growing. In September 1995, we completed the purchase of property at 66th & University to house the campus now known as the Trinity Activity Center (TAC). This building was completely renovated and remodeled and opened in August 1996. It currently houses Trinity Christian School grades 4-12 during the school year.

Randal Ross resigned as Senior Pastor of Trinity Church in September 1997. Gary Kirksey became Senior Pastor of Trinity Church in June 1998 and resigned in August 2000.
The leadership of Trinity Church again sought the Lord for His man to lead us. In August 2001, the Lord answered those prayers and Carl Toti accepted the call to become Senior Pastor of Trinity Church.
Trinity Church broke ground on Beyond: Phase I in 2012 and completed the construction of a new state-of-the-art KidsPlace Children’s Facility, new Chapel venue and Trinity Central - our new welcome center on Sunday, January 12 of 2014.
Soon after, in an effort to accommodate our growing church community and enhance the weekend Worship Experience, Trinity began Beyond: Phase II - the renovation of our sanctuary. For 9 months, worship services took place in Trinity Central. On the weekend of July 22-23, 2017 over 3,600 attendees celebrated the Grand Opening of the newly renovated sanctuary.
Under the leadership of Pastor Carl Toti, Trinity Church continues to serve the community of Lubbock, providing essential services through our Trinity Outreach Center, Heartline Women’s Clinic, and Trinity Christian School in addition to our Weekend and Mid-week Services.